On this balmy 16 degree but sunny evening I thought I'd try vodka, not the top class Polish stuff I had in Gdansk but the cheapo supermarket stuff. I originally bought it to clean the heads on some old reel to reel recording kit I have but thought I'd try drinking it instead. It tastes like crap without a mixer so I've diluted it with diet Pepsi.
I'd normally stick to red wine and the occasional malt with a beer chaser. Cocktails I tend to avoid because of the sugar.
What do you avoid when it comes to drinking? Why? Bad experience as an inexperienced drinker maybe (Southern Comfort comes to mind)?
I'd normally stick to red wine and the occasional malt with a beer chaser. Cocktails I tend to avoid because of the sugar.
What do you avoid when it comes to drinking? Why? Bad experience as an inexperienced drinker maybe (Southern Comfort comes to mind)?