I don't think his views are abhorrent at all, I think he's either completely wrong or the variance in IQ between races is so small (we're all basically humans after all but variation based on environmental evolution shouldn't be a surprise) that social and environmental effects dwarf any biological implications. For instance ethincs with poor education, heathcare and work are by enlarge going to expose their children to a similar lifestyle producing 'similar' people though there's always exceptions.
What's more interesting is if the ruling marxists manage to surpress this debate or if it takes its course.
Originally posted by sasguru
I don't think his views are abhorrent at all, I think he's either completely wrong or the variance in IQ between races is so small (we're all basically humans after all but variation based on environmental evolution shouldn't be a surprise) that social and environmental effects dwarf any biological implications. For instance ethincs with poor education, heathcare and work are by enlarge going to expose their children to a similar lifestyle producing 'similar' people though there's always exceptions.
What's more interesting is if the ruling marxists manage to surpress this debate or if it takes its course.