Originally posted by Alf W
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2. Labour (Brown in particular) was guilty of believing in the complete nonsensical bollux that "boom and bust" was abolished forever and therefore he could count on a growing revenue stream for ever. While excusable in a 21 y/o economics undergrad, for a chancellor of the UK to believe and act as such is too stupid for words.
3. Anyone who has had dealings withe public sector (whether it be the NHS, council, courts, unemployment office) can see the massive inefficiency that exists.
4. The NHS needs complete reform before it bankrupts the country. Its own website trumpets the fact that its the 3rd biggest employer in the world (after the Chinese army and Indian railways) without asking whether this is appropriate for a medium sized European country.
And we have to ask ourselves why our health system has worse outcomes than almost any you care to name in Western Europe.
I'm not a rabid right-wing Tory but I think you non-analytical ideological lefties are just as moronic as the braying thick Tories of the home counties.