Ivan Pavlov is famous for his 'dogs'. The concept for which Pavlov is famous is the "conditioned reflex" (or in his own words the conditional reflex: )
In the 1890s, Pavlov was investigating the gastric function of dogs by externalizing a salivary gland so he could collect, measure, and analyze the saliva and what response it had to food under different conditions. He noticed that the dogs tended to salivate before food was actually delivered to their mouths, and set out to investigate this "psychic secretion", as he called it.
He had taps drilled into the sides of the dogs mouths so saliva could be extracted and measured as part of the experiment. In addition, dogs were shocked with electricity on the ticking of a metronome.
As part of the experiment, it was discovered that the dogs would produce saliva, not only when the food was present, but when the lab technicians arrived in their white coats. Basically the brain predicting the food. The same happened with the electricity. The dogs would yelp with pain after being conditioned with shocks off the ticking of the metronome, even though there was no shock. His experiments earned him the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
BBC 4 has has been showing a program called 'History of the Brain'. I always knew the story of Pavlov's dogs. It had been alledged that Pavlov also did the same experiment on children. That he had holes and taps drilled into the side of childrens mouths to collect saliva and that he experimented on children on reflex action.
History of the Brain just showed the footage!! The Pavlov dog experiment is harsh to watch. But BBC3 just showed actual footage of children being experimented on. It showed children with taps in the faces, plus reflex experiment. A child of maybe 2/3 strapped down being force fed food as part of a reflex experiment.
FOR F U C K SAKES! Seriously what are they thinking. It is new footage they have found. It is not acceptable to be showing this. What next, Josef Mengele experimentation on Jews!
Did anyone just see this? I have never turned off a TV program in disgust. 1st time. Looks like I do have a limit.
In the 1890s, Pavlov was investigating the gastric function of dogs by externalizing a salivary gland so he could collect, measure, and analyze the saliva and what response it had to food under different conditions. He noticed that the dogs tended to salivate before food was actually delivered to their mouths, and set out to investigate this "psychic secretion", as he called it.
He had taps drilled into the sides of the dogs mouths so saliva could be extracted and measured as part of the experiment. In addition, dogs were shocked with electricity on the ticking of a metronome.
As part of the experiment, it was discovered that the dogs would produce saliva, not only when the food was present, but when the lab technicians arrived in their white coats. Basically the brain predicting the food. The same happened with the electricity. The dogs would yelp with pain after being conditioned with shocks off the ticking of the metronome, even though there was no shock. His experiments earned him the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
BBC 4 has has been showing a program called 'History of the Brain'. I always knew the story of Pavlov's dogs. It had been alledged that Pavlov also did the same experiment on children. That he had holes and taps drilled into the side of childrens mouths to collect saliva and that he experimented on children on reflex action.
History of the Brain just showed the footage!! The Pavlov dog experiment is harsh to watch. But BBC3 just showed actual footage of children being experimented on. It showed children with taps in the faces, plus reflex experiment. A child of maybe 2/3 strapped down being force fed food as part of a reflex experiment.
FOR F U C K SAKES! Seriously what are they thinking. It is new footage they have found. It is not acceptable to be showing this. What next, Josef Mengele experimentation on Jews!
Did anyone just see this? I have never turned off a TV program in disgust. 1st time. Looks like I do have a limit.