How could this happen? Mrs scooter and I were trying our best to find the down side of moving to Germany and failing. I'd never have thought I'd be thinking along those lines.
We live in a house that is twice the size of our Edinburgh pad yet costs 3 times as less. The social life we have and the friends we've made are fantastic, every other week eating out for a get together rather than getting slaughtered, there's usually some live music on the on.
My earnings compared to what I would need to have a home similar to that I'm living in (140 square meters) are, well one month's net income would almost pay the entire year.
No way could we imagine a similar ratio back home. Oh the food is a bit hit and miss but we can always fly back to the UK for a curry when we need too.
I've not been this confused since the day I got my first Rubik's Cube
How could this happen? Mrs scooter and I were trying our best to find the down side of moving to Germany and failing. I'd never have thought I'd be thinking along those lines.
We live in a house that is twice the size of our Edinburgh pad yet costs 3 times as less. The social life we have and the friends we've made are fantastic, every other week eating out for a get together rather than getting slaughtered, there's usually some live music on the on.
My earnings compared to what I would need to have a home similar to that I'm living in (140 square meters) are, well one month's net income would almost pay the entire year.
No way could we imagine a similar ratio back home. Oh the food is a bit hit and miss but we can always fly back to the UK for a curry when we need too.
I've not been this confused since the day I got my first Rubik's Cube