Silly season for conspiricys.
There seems to be a bit of mainstream press and political noise about reopening this case.
The arguments against the verdict of murder do seem pretty weak, one of them effectively introducing the heart attack theory(urrm before or after he slit his wrist).
The latest is Andrew Gilligan doing the best job so far stating that , in a nutshell, a combination of non-lethal factors created a lethal factor and dismissing all enquiries and speculation as potentially damaging to the family.
With Gilligan patronisingly scolding all speculators, coupled with the other weak attempts to try and explain the suspicious circumstances around his death I am really starting to think that whatever happened in that forest, that resulted in his death, was not suicide.
Since all the docs are classified, will we ever find out what really happened?
There seems to be a bit of mainstream press and political noise about reopening this case.
The arguments against the verdict of murder do seem pretty weak, one of them effectively introducing the heart attack theory(urrm before or after he slit his wrist).
The latest is Andrew Gilligan doing the best job so far stating that , in a nutshell, a combination of non-lethal factors created a lethal factor and dismissing all enquiries and speculation as potentially damaging to the family.
With Gilligan patronisingly scolding all speculators, coupled with the other weak attempts to try and explain the suspicious circumstances around his death I am really starting to think that whatever happened in that forest, that resulted in his death, was not suicide.
Since all the docs are classified, will we ever find out what really happened?