Ever had that problem when you go for a really good tulip and no matter how many times you flush, there’s still a great big skidmark left in the pot? Or the even worse problem that however much you wipe your arse there’s still tulip on the paper and you just can’t get it really refreshingly clean?
That’s the Labour government that is. You can flush, wipe, sit down again and push a bit harder, but the reality is you’re going to end up with that nasty pong coming from your pants until you can get home and have a good shower.
Be warned, this could linger for a lot longer.
That’s the Labour government that is. You can flush, wipe, sit down again and push a bit harder, but the reality is you’re going to end up with that nasty pong coming from your pants until you can get home and have a good shower.
Be warned, this could linger for a lot longer.