When you have been with someone a while you get to know them, during the night, you can tell when they are laying there awake.
A couple nights ago I woke up at about 3am and I knew that the missus was awake. It's important not to talk, because that fires the brain up, even listening, and I was hoping she might doze off. When she didnt I leaned over and tickled her back, that usually works. After twenty minutes my arm was dropping off and she was still awake. I knew she was tired because she has had a tough week.
'Cant sleep dear?'
she said, 'I was dreaming about work, to be honest, I would rather be awake'
Aww bless her
A couple nights ago I woke up at about 3am and I knew that the missus was awake. It's important not to talk, because that fires the brain up, even listening, and I was hoping she might doze off. When she didnt I leaned over and tickled her back, that usually works. After twenty minutes my arm was dropping off and she was still awake. I knew she was tired because she has had a tough week.
'Cant sleep dear?'
she said, 'I was dreaming about work, to be honest, I would rather be awake'
Aww bless her