The neighbour's had a colour telly so we used to go next door every Sunday afternoon at 13:00 and watch Thunderbirds (1969 or thereabouts).
I used to really like Gerry Anderson stuff - it was by far and away the best kid's TV.
When I used to get in from school, kid's TV used to start around 16:45 (only three channels and only two of them had children's TV). I used to watch Magpie (much better than Blue Peter), Timeslip was a series I remember watching as well.
I used to really like Gerry Anderson stuff - it was by far and away the best kid's TV.
When I used to get in from school, kid's TV used to start around 16:45 (only three channels and only two of them had children's TV). I used to watch Magpie (much better than Blue Peter), Timeslip was a series I remember watching as well.