I once found a wallet containing 450 quid in cash outside a pub.
I kept it.
Noooo I mean I got the pub to put a note in the pub to ask if anyone had lost it.
Got a call to claim it. Verified that it was genuine by a check on the other contents, and posted it back to them. Minus 50 quid for my trouble (i.e. recorded postage cost and 20 minutes spent in a queue at the post office to send it)
Aren't I good
I kept it.
Noooo I mean I got the pub to put a note in the pub to ask if anyone had lost it.
Got a call to claim it. Verified that it was genuine by a check on the other contents, and posted it back to them. Minus 50 quid for my trouble (i.e. recorded postage cost and 20 minutes spent in a queue at the post office to send it)
Aren't I good