Just started a new contract last week. At my old desk I backed onto a wall meaning that, whenever there was a dull moment during the day it was no problem logging onto CUK to have a browse and even post.
Now however I have my back to the rest of the office and what's more, I have a person sitting next to me who can clearly see my monitor whereas before I had my own desk. She's a permie and a true company type who never uses the computer for personal reasons (I've had a nosey at her monitor).
Anyone got any good strategies for browsing and posting to CUK under such circumstances?
Now however I have my back to the rest of the office and what's more, I have a person sitting next to me who can clearly see my monitor whereas before I had my own desk. She's a permie and a true company type who never uses the computer for personal reasons (I've had a nosey at her monitor).
Anyone got any good strategies for browsing and posting to CUK under such circumstances?