OK, maybe it’s a bit of a mad generalisation to say they're all tulip, but I’ve met the whole gamut of toxic managers from control freaks through nice-but-dim to complete bullying psychopaths, and I can really only count the good IT or project managers I’ve met on the fingers of one hand; there are 5 managers I’ve worked with that I would say are really effective, and they all had the following attributes;
- solid technical and/or domain knowledge
- ability to listen to professional advice and act on it, as opposed to just looking at costs
- plain language
- keep it simple; no big MS Project charts, KPIs, dashboards or any of those tools for the witless, but a white board and a sheet of A4 paper to communicate the plan
- know how to distill the problem down to it’s essentials to avoid scope creep
- make it clear what is expected of people, and show the same behaviour themselves
- give credit to others when success is achieved
- share responsibility and learn the lessons from failure without apportioning individual blame
- prepared to challenge and when necessary confront their seniors instead of bumlicking
- select expert people and give them freedom to act instead of micro managing
Any other capabilities that spring to mind?
- solid technical and/or domain knowledge
- ability to listen to professional advice and act on it, as opposed to just looking at costs
- plain language
- keep it simple; no big MS Project charts, KPIs, dashboards or any of those tools for the witless, but a white board and a sheet of A4 paper to communicate the plan
- know how to distill the problem down to it’s essentials to avoid scope creep
- make it clear what is expected of people, and show the same behaviour themselves
- give credit to others when success is achieved
- share responsibility and learn the lessons from failure without apportioning individual blame
- prepared to challenge and when necessary confront their seniors instead of bumlicking
- select expert people and give them freedom to act instead of micro managing
Any other capabilities that spring to mind?