Maybe not all, but let's say I smoke two in the morning and another two in the afternoon while at a client site. That's twenty a week while on company business, and the breaks help me concentrate on my work and in the end, I believe, produce better results for the clients.
Also, I feel obliged to work an extra half an hour a day to make up for the fag breaks and that is time lost to me, again for the benefit of the client.
So at £6.50 for a pack of Silk Cut Blues a week, and 50 weeks a year, that works out at around £320.
I also smoke several cigarettes in the car while commuting to client sites, to keep me awake. Obviously if I dozed off at the wheel and pranged the car, and quite likely myself, that would be detrimental to my company and clients. So that's another £320 a year of legitimate business expense. It all adds up.
Also, I feel obliged to work an extra half an hour a day to make up for the fag breaks and that is time lost to me, again for the benefit of the client.
So at £6.50 for a pack of Silk Cut Blues a week, and 50 weeks a year, that works out at around £320.
I also smoke several cigarettes in the car while commuting to client sites, to keep me awake. Obviously if I dozed off at the wheel and pranged the car, and quite likely myself, that would be detrimental to my company and clients. So that's another £320 a year of legitimate business expense. It all adds up.