Is it really necessary to quote an entire post just to answer it with a generic non-specific answer?
When people quote an entire post just to answer it without referring to any particular part of it is there any point in quoting the whole thing rather than just saying what you were going to say anyway?
I see the use in quoting to the whole thing with the relevant bits bolded or just the relevant bits as individual quotes but reading the forum on the train and waiting for great big long pages of entire posts quoted back just with "WHS" can be quite annoying
When people quote an entire post just to answer it without referring to any particular part of it is there any point in quoting the whole thing rather than just saying what you were going to say anyway?
I see the use in quoting to the whole thing with the relevant bits bolded or just the relevant bits as individual quotes but reading the forum on the train and waiting for great big long pages of entire posts quoted back just with "WHS" can be quite annoying