... are flying around client site this afternoon. I'm at a beleaguered bank so it is hardly a great surprise. 10-15% rate cut is what I'm hearing.
Should this rumour turn out to be true and I am faced with the decision of working for less money vs. walking away, I have a question:
Has anyone seen rate cuts implemented mid-contract? I'm presuming it would have to be a termination and then a new contract issued.
I'll be thumbing through my contract when I'm back at Xeno Towers later to see what is in there in this regard.
Should this rumour turn out to be true and I am faced with the decision of working for less money vs. walking away, I have a question:
Has anyone seen rate cuts implemented mid-contract? I'm presuming it would have to be a termination and then a new contract issued.
I'll be thumbing through my contract when I'm back at Xeno Towers later to see what is in there in this regard.