Special MoneyWeek report August 2008
How to protect your wealth and prosper in...
The UK is potentially about to be battered by the biggest financial storm of our lifetimes.
If you want to make sure you survive it, you've simply got to act NOW.
In this urgent MoneyWeek report we will reveal 4 'protect & profit' investments that could make you impressive returns even as the markets plummet.
You've every right to be furious right now...
The financial industry has let you down. So has the government. Greedy financiers created the subprime time-bomb that exploded in the US last year. Weak politicians on either side of the Atlantic have allowed the crisis to spiral out of control.
Already the subprime mortgage losses have created a $200 billion fiasco that has brought down Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, sent the FTSE back 10 years and created an unprecedented worldwide credit crunch.
But for us in the UK, the worst is certainly still to come. So far the damage has been limited. It's been harder to get a mortgage. Mortgage payments and credit card bills have gone up. Investments have yo-yoed. Even so, most of us have still got our houses, our savings and the same standards of living.
But if you fail to make the right decisions right NOW, that could be all about to change...
We won't get into the complex economic background in this report. But we will tell what is likely to happen in the weeks and months ahead. We'll show you which investments are going to devastate the finances of unwary investors. We'll reveal the truth about Bankrupt Britain.
And best of all, we'll provide you with a comprehensive 'safe haven' strategy for beating what many of the world's foremost financial figures - including Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker and George Soros - are calling the biggest crisis of our lifetimes.
How to protect your wealth and prosper in...
The UK is potentially about to be battered by the biggest financial storm of our lifetimes.
If you want to make sure you survive it, you've simply got to act NOW.
In this urgent MoneyWeek report we will reveal 4 'protect & profit' investments that could make you impressive returns even as the markets plummet.
You've every right to be furious right now...
The financial industry has let you down. So has the government. Greedy financiers created the subprime time-bomb that exploded in the US last year. Weak politicians on either side of the Atlantic have allowed the crisis to spiral out of control.
Already the subprime mortgage losses have created a $200 billion fiasco that has brought down Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, sent the FTSE back 10 years and created an unprecedented worldwide credit crunch.
But for us in the UK, the worst is certainly still to come. So far the damage has been limited. It's been harder to get a mortgage. Mortgage payments and credit card bills have gone up. Investments have yo-yoed. Even so, most of us have still got our houses, our savings and the same standards of living.
But if you fail to make the right decisions right NOW, that could be all about to change...
We won't get into the complex economic background in this report. But we will tell what is likely to happen in the weeks and months ahead. We'll show you which investments are going to devastate the finances of unwary investors. We'll reveal the truth about Bankrupt Britain.
And best of all, we'll provide you with a comprehensive 'safe haven' strategy for beating what many of the world's foremost financial figures - including Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker and George Soros - are calling the biggest crisis of our lifetimes.