The congress has just passed the 'Farm Bill' which gives US40Bil for farm subsidies and another US30Bil to set aside farm land to not produce, and boost food stamps...
So, world food crisis made worse by the cuddly Democrats, both Billary and Obama supported this load of tosh, McCain voted against it. Bush may veto it, but he doesn't have the majority to prevent it from being overturned.
Billary said 'To vote against this is to vote against America's farmers, and to say no to rural America' (cause rural America needs a load of money to not produce anything.
So, world food crisis made worse by the cuddly Democrats, both Billary and Obama supported this load of tosh, McCain voted against it. Bush may veto it, but he doesn't have the majority to prevent it from being overturned.
Billary said 'To vote against this is to vote against America's farmers, and to say no to rural America' (cause rural America needs a load of money to not produce anything.