If this has been mentioned before, I have certainly missed it. When I was contemplating a career as a contractor I didn't fully appreciate how much time I would be spending in my own company. Obviously there are those periods when some of us are on the bench for extended periods, and then there are those situations when you are on a job but pretty much secluded from others, or excluded by way of being a stranger. I found these periods with a lack of human interaction unsetlling initially, but over time I have been able to exist for weeks contentedly without so much as a conversation, which I think is an extremely positive thing.
Of course, these periods are interspersed with seeing my friends on occasion and so on, but I think it's a positive sign of sanity when you can be content in your own company for extended periods without needing validation from, or interaction with, others.
In fact, I have found myself becoming quite philosophical about life since contracting, taking away the routine structure of regular employment really makes you question the true meaning of life and the universe, and the fact that most people's existences are made up of the 9-5 grind, and they are so caught up in this that they don't question this with any real vigour.
I believe this heightened philisophical artifice is largely due to the isolation you experience being internalised within your own thought processes, which brings about a sense of clarity and perspicacity, much like the Benedictine Monks who undertake a vow of silence:
Silence for the monk is not a rejection of the neighbour but rather a recollected attentiveness to what lies at the heart of reality once all the ephemeral clutter of daily life is cleared away.
Just thought I would share my musings, as I'm in quite a philosophical mood, and thought this would be a bit of a departure from the topics we usually discuss here.
Of course, these periods are interspersed with seeing my friends on occasion and so on, but I think it's a positive sign of sanity when you can be content in your own company for extended periods without needing validation from, or interaction with, others.
In fact, I have found myself becoming quite philosophical about life since contracting, taking away the routine structure of regular employment really makes you question the true meaning of life and the universe, and the fact that most people's existences are made up of the 9-5 grind, and they are so caught up in this that they don't question this with any real vigour.
I believe this heightened philisophical artifice is largely due to the isolation you experience being internalised within your own thought processes, which brings about a sense of clarity and perspicacity, much like the Benedictine Monks who undertake a vow of silence:
Silence for the monk is not a rejection of the neighbour but rather a recollected attentiveness to what lies at the heart of reality once all the ephemeral clutter of daily life is cleared away.
Just thought I would share my musings, as I'm in quite a philosophical mood, and thought this would be a bit of a departure from the topics we usually discuss here.