You made me think SA, of how some thing get mis-named.
When I was in school
We used to have exercise books in class (rather than in the gym)
We used to have sex education from the RE teacher (rather than the school nurse)
We used to get medicine balls in the gym (rather than from the school nurse)
We used to get religious education in the playground ('God have you seen the norks on the school nurse, oh Christ')
When we got caned, it was not the pleasant experience it is now
When I was in school
We used to have exercise books in class (rather than in the gym)
We used to have sex education from the RE teacher (rather than the school nurse)
We used to get medicine balls in the gym (rather than from the school nurse)
We used to get religious education in the playground ('God have you seen the norks on the school nurse, oh Christ')
When we got caned, it was not the pleasant experience it is now