Originally posted by sasguru
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The UK is naturally easier to defend than other countries, owing to it being an island, and we had a long time to get our defences in-place. A lot of which still survive to this day. And a lot of the better defences were, not too surprisingly, kept secret! I am not saying we'd have never been invaded; I AM saying that it may never have happened, owing to our excellent defences, the Channel, US help, Germany trying to suppress uprisings in Europe, etc.
V2-type technology: if we'd had it and used it, Germany would have been only too happy to think about being pals, rather than invading. I never said such weapons would be used against troops, etc.: I meant that bombing the crap out of Berlin/wherever would have made them think again. The V2 nearly did for us, remember.
Literature: read it. Museums: visited.