European Parliament Working Document 14.2.2007
The introduction of a tax system that contributes to growth, employment and social balance requires coordination between EU Member States. In detail following measureas are desirable:
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Since the accumulation of financial wealth as such does not support employment and growth, curbing it by taxation contributes to recovering public revenues and balanced budgets without diminishing effective demand. The trend to reduce or abolish wealth taxes should therefore be reversed.
As long as wealth, capital gains or bequests are taxed unequally as currently is the case in the EU, exit taxes should be accepted as a legitimate measure to shield national tax provisions.
The introduction of a tax system that contributes to growth, employment and social balance requires coordination between EU Member States. In detail following measureas are desirable:
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Since the accumulation of financial wealth as such does not support employment and growth, curbing it by taxation contributes to recovering public revenues and balanced budgets without diminishing effective demand. The trend to reduce or abolish wealth taxes should therefore be reversed.
As long as wealth, capital gains or bequests are taxed unequally as currently is the case in the EU, exit taxes should be accepted as a legitimate measure to shield national tax provisions.