I was contracting for various clients through agency for just over a year, clients found through agency. I chose to have my invoices from them forwarded to agency and they paid me on a PAYE basis rather than submit a tax return. Essentially they were the umbrella company.
Around Christmas 2019, I was furloughed by a company, they told the agency a week before Christmas that I was not required for three weeks, and I just didn't get paid for that time by agency, they picked up paying me again once I went back to work in early January 2020.
The agency then told me at close of business on 7 Feb 2020 that I wasn't to go back to that client as they had been informed by the client they were reducing the team size and I wasn't required any more. They stopped paying me as I wasn't putting in any hours, I was just waiting for them to find me another client.
Then the CV lockdown happened and all non-essential workers sent home - no chances for me to get any more contracts. At the start of April 2020 I wrote an email to them enquiring as to whether I would be entitled to any furlough pay as they hadn't sent me a P45 when the last contract finished, and as such I was still recorded on their payroll.
They responded by simply sending me my P45 backdated to 7 Feb 2020 without any additional written response following. As an agency I expect to get zero help from them if there's nothing in it financially for them (client commission) so I thought I'd ask what the opinion is here? They can of course continue to 'employ' me at no cost to themselves except for the administration cost, but I was on zero hours, not sure of the situation.
Thanks for any insights, positive or negative, on the situation
Around Christmas 2019, I was furloughed by a company, they told the agency a week before Christmas that I was not required for three weeks, and I just didn't get paid for that time by agency, they picked up paying me again once I went back to work in early January 2020.
The agency then told me at close of business on 7 Feb 2020 that I wasn't to go back to that client as they had been informed by the client they were reducing the team size and I wasn't required any more. They stopped paying me as I wasn't putting in any hours, I was just waiting for them to find me another client.
Then the CV lockdown happened and all non-essential workers sent home - no chances for me to get any more contracts. At the start of April 2020 I wrote an email to them enquiring as to whether I would be entitled to any furlough pay as they hadn't sent me a P45 when the last contract finished, and as such I was still recorded on their payroll.
They responded by simply sending me my P45 backdated to 7 Feb 2020 without any additional written response following. As an agency I expect to get zero help from them if there's nothing in it financially for them (client commission) so I thought I'd ask what the opinion is here? They can of course continue to 'employ' me at no cost to themselves except for the administration cost, but I was on zero hours, not sure of the situation.
Thanks for any insights, positive or negative, on the situation