I watched the program on BBC4 the other night detailing the covering up of the atrocities committed during and after the Spanish Civil War. It's unbelievable that any country would want to protect perpetrators of such crimes against humanity, but this seems to be exactly what the Spanish government is doing.
I was aware of the baby abduction scandal from a previous program, which was also covered briefly, and it's surprising that this practise was going on in the early 1980's. It's a blight on Spain's reputation and I'm surprised that the the UN or the ECHR don't seem to have been engaged.
I was aware of the baby abduction scandal from a previous program, which was also covered briefly, and it's surprising that this practise was going on in the early 1980's. It's a blight on Spain's reputation and I'm surprised that the the UN or the ECHR don't seem to have been engaged.