“Relatives of the 22 victims of the Manchester Arena terrorist attack who are applying for legal aid for representation at the forthcoming inquest are being made to fill in a 17-page questionnaire and declare whether they have any “valuable possessions” worth more than £500 that could be sold to help cover costs.
Campaign groups have attacked the legal aid application process – which may still end in claims being rejected – as “cruel and intrusive”. They back calls for families whose loved ones are killed in terrorist attacks to automatically receive legal aid for inquests rather than be forced through the means-testing process.”
Families of Manchester terror victims ‘must declare valuables’ to get legal aid | UK news | The Guardian
Sick Tory Scum did not even have common sense to avoid such crazy requirements in serious cases like murder and especially terrorism.
Campaign groups have attacked the legal aid application process – which may still end in claims being rejected – as “cruel and intrusive”. They back calls for families whose loved ones are killed in terrorist attacks to automatically receive legal aid for inquests rather than be forced through the means-testing process.”
Families of Manchester terror victims ‘must declare valuables’ to get legal aid | UK news | The Guardian
Sick Tory Scum did not even have common sense to avoid such crazy requirements in serious cases like murder and especially terrorism.