OK, this old chestnut again, I did do a search and have read old threads relating to companies insurances, just wondering how many of you have all the insurances PI, PL, EL, Tax &VAT investigations?? I need to have one ASAP cuz its in my new contract (for 1000000), at the moment I have no insurances at all , I know its bad, but I got away with it up to now.
I got an online quote from Claunce o'hara which was around £433 this is for (Professional Indemnity Policy- Office Contents -Portable Equipment-Business Interruption -Employers Liability -Public Liability-Legal Expenses -Health & Safety Policy) , I am not a member of the PCG, I looked at the website, and the PCGPlus membership costs £220, but couldn't get a quote for the insurances cuz I am not registered yet. Can I ask how many of you are PCG registered? is it worth registering with the PCG and getting their insurance (thought I think its going to be quite expensinve
I got an online quote from Claunce o'hara which was around £433 this is for (Professional Indemnity Policy- Office Contents -Portable Equipment-Business Interruption -Employers Liability -Public Liability-Legal Expenses -Health & Safety Policy) , I am not a member of the PCG, I looked at the website, and the PCGPlus membership costs £220, but couldn't get a quote for the insurances cuz I am not registered yet. Can I ask how many of you are PCG registered? is it worth registering with the PCG and getting their insurance (thought I think its going to be quite expensinve