Alexa to become ‘breastfeeding friend’ for new mothers | Daily Mail Online
Oh look automation.
Public Health England is using Amazon's voice assistant Alexa to be a ‘breastfeeding friend’ for new mothers
Alexa – Amazon’s voice assistant – is to become a ‘breastfeeding friend’ for new mothers
Public Health England (PHE) has employed the services of the voice-activated assistant to provide help support new mothers
Breastfeeding rates in England are some of the lowest in the world, with just 0.5 per cent of women still breastfeeding after one year
Alexa – Amazon’s voice assistant – is to become a ‘breastfeeding friend’ for new mothers
Public Health England (PHE) has employed the services of the voice-activated assistant to provide help support new mothers
Breastfeeding rates in England are some of the lowest in the world, with just 0.5 per cent of women still breastfeeding after one year