Originally posted by contractorinatractor
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If you bothered to read it, no-one said 'half your savings.' What I said was "I think it was Greece or Cyprus a couple of years ago: the government just took half of everything over 85K that people had in the bank". So don't tell lies about what people have said (or is this fake news you are shovelling?)
You say 9.9% of everything if they have over 100K. I said "half of everything over 85K." They can be exactly the same thing (do the maths). It's probably these cases that I recalled. And your scenario is even worse than the one I painted - even the poorer folk got shafted with the 6.75% raid!
You just carry on insulting people who disagree with you. I maintain that Corbyn will take this country into a world of financial pain and I don't intend to let it happen to me. I'm shipping my cash abroad.