I've been thinking about project management for a little while, I'm not entirely convinced its needed, at least in software development projects.
A pal has written a couple of books on it and is doing the speaking circuit. He is doing well out of it and is pushing PM as a leadership role. It's all very much about emotional intelligence, leadership by example etc. But I think it places way to much importance on the PM role.
I've just read this article about PM, some of it is a bit of a rant but I agree with much of it.
My experience with PM is that there is too much emphasis on deadlines and tasks. Rather than producing a quality product or even a product that just does what the customer wants, it's about finishing the task on time. It's about quantifying and reporting on tasks, even when we know it's not possible to estimate with any accuracy how long a task will take.
I'm not even sure a PM should be leading the project, for me the developers/engineers should be leading the project and perhaps it would be useful to a have a coordinator to pass information on and to sort admin tasks.
Are project managers useful or needed? Is it just a big con? Does agile remove the need for a PM or just give it another name?
A pal has written a couple of books on it and is doing the speaking circuit. He is doing well out of it and is pushing PM as a leadership role. It's all very much about emotional intelligence, leadership by example etc. But I think it places way to much importance on the PM role.
I've just read this article about PM, some of it is a bit of a rant but I agree with much of it.
My experience with PM is that there is too much emphasis on deadlines and tasks. Rather than producing a quality product or even a product that just does what the customer wants, it's about finishing the task on time. It's about quantifying and reporting on tasks, even when we know it's not possible to estimate with any accuracy how long a task will take.
I'm not even sure a PM should be leading the project, for me the developers/engineers should be leading the project and perhaps it would be useful to a have a coordinator to pass information on and to sort admin tasks.
Are project managers useful or needed? Is it just a big con? Does agile remove the need for a PM or just give it another name?