iLiveHere reveal the 10 worst places to live in England | Daily Mail Online
Though the write up is pretty accurate
SLOUGH, THE TOILET OF BERKSHIRE | iLiveHere - Britain's worst places to live
Is your town a run-down time-warp, a squalid cess pit, or a herpes-infested s***hole? Revealed, the ten WORST places to live in England as chosen by their not-so-proud inhabitants
New league table reveals the worst places to live in England as voted by locals
The seaside town of Dover is labelled a 'herpes-infested s***hole'
Oldham in Greater Manchester is said to look 'as though the government has been performing nuclear testing in the area'
New league table reveals the worst places to live in England as voted by locals
The seaside town of Dover is labelled a 'herpes-infested s***hole'
Oldham in Greater Manchester is said to look 'as though the government has been performing nuclear testing in the area'
SLOUGH, THE TOILET OF BERKSHIRE | iLiveHere - Britain's worst places to live