£16 a head FFS. Wife organised it and briefly said she was going to invite all the kids in daughters class so no-one is left out. I was thinking 20 kids max with half of them not going.
Theres 42 of them!
Not cheap. Told Mrs RSVP and no reply means not coming. I'm praying for a good few nos!
Remember when son was younger. Surely if you go to a party you but the kid a present? We always spend £10-£15 whenever daughter goes. I remember the number of people who strolled in with a 99p sticker still on the card. I did threaten to check presents at door with no present=no admission policy :-)
And dont get me started on those who say they're going then dont turn up - even though they know its cost you money.
Theres 42 of them!
Not cheap. Told Mrs RSVP and no reply means not coming. I'm praying for a good few nos!
Remember when son was younger. Surely if you go to a party you but the kid a present? We always spend £10-£15 whenever daughter goes. I remember the number of people who strolled in with a 99p sticker still on the card. I did threaten to check presents at door with no present=no admission policy :-)
And dont get me started on those who say they're going then dont turn up - even though they know its cost you money.