I bought a brand new car a couple weeks back. I've got 500 miles on the clock and so far I've had two 'road rage' incidents.
When I say road rage, it's more low level than that.
First time, having picked up the car from the garage, family and wife inside and off to the airport, I come on to the sliproad on the dual carriage way and there is a tulipty car doing about 35/40 miles an hour. So as I'm talking to the missus, I actually hold back thinking the car will accelerate and deciding not to burn past him on the sliproad.
He doesn't accelerate and enters the dual carriageway at 40mph, not speeding up. So I indicate, pull out and put my foot down. I pass him at about 55mph and I look over and he's passively aggressively giving me the ****** sign. Not looking across, just shaking his hand!!! So as I've gone past, I then break in the lane next to him so we pull level and I stare across him. Right pikey looking twat in a tulip car is giving me the hand signal. He then clocks me, put's his hand down as I mouth 'I'm a ****** am I?' and do it back before shooting off. Me, the missus and kids were gobsmacked.
So pop down this morning to work, on the M3 where it's gone to two lanes. Totally open road, just me and a merc ahead. I'm doing about 90mph, he's doing about 80mph. It takes a minute for me to reach him, I indicate pull out and slowly go past, an he's giving me the ****** sign!!!! Again, really passive aggressive, not looking at me, just giving me the sign!!!!
So again, I slow down, pull aside and stare at him. He then looks across, smiles and so I give him the sign back. He then bricks it and accelerates trying to keep in front, but then amazingly does it again!!!
I then just sat behind him for the next 20 miles, not over taking this time and matching his speed, until eventually he bricked it and did a quick maneveur off the road.
Now I don't mind a ruck, a lot of people don't. But if someone overtakes me I don't sit there giving people handsigns. If you did that in a pub you'd get knocked out, so I don't know why some pricks feel obliged to do that in their car.
What's wierd is, it's only started since I got the new car. I don't remember anyone doing it when I overtook them in my old piece of tulip.
When I say road rage, it's more low level than that.
First time, having picked up the car from the garage, family and wife inside and off to the airport, I come on to the sliproad on the dual carriage way and there is a tulipty car doing about 35/40 miles an hour. So as I'm talking to the missus, I actually hold back thinking the car will accelerate and deciding not to burn past him on the sliproad.
He doesn't accelerate and enters the dual carriageway at 40mph, not speeding up. So I indicate, pull out and put my foot down. I pass him at about 55mph and I look over and he's passively aggressively giving me the ****** sign. Not looking across, just shaking his hand!!! So as I've gone past, I then break in the lane next to him so we pull level and I stare across him. Right pikey looking twat in a tulip car is giving me the hand signal. He then clocks me, put's his hand down as I mouth 'I'm a ****** am I?' and do it back before shooting off. Me, the missus and kids were gobsmacked.
So pop down this morning to work, on the M3 where it's gone to two lanes. Totally open road, just me and a merc ahead. I'm doing about 90mph, he's doing about 80mph. It takes a minute for me to reach him, I indicate pull out and slowly go past, an he's giving me the ****** sign!!!! Again, really passive aggressive, not looking at me, just giving me the sign!!!!
So again, I slow down, pull aside and stare at him. He then looks across, smiles and so I give him the sign back. He then bricks it and accelerates trying to keep in front, but then amazingly does it again!!!
I then just sat behind him for the next 20 miles, not over taking this time and matching his speed, until eventually he bricked it and did a quick maneveur off the road.
Now I don't mind a ruck, a lot of people don't. But if someone overtakes me I don't sit there giving people handsigns. If you did that in a pub you'd get knocked out, so I don't know why some pricks feel obliged to do that in their car.
What's wierd is, it's only started since I got the new car. I don't remember anyone doing it when I overtook them in my old piece of tulip.