My parents took me out of school for the first two weeks of sixth form. Did it do me any harm? I can't say but I remember failing a maths test because part of it was on something I simply didn't know because I was in Cyprus when the rest of the class was learning it.
Should the teacher have held up the rest of the class just to teach me? Imagine teaching a class of 30 and trying to do that when every week someone or other is away.
I found A level maths quite hard (even though I got an A - always wonder if that was a mistake) and maybe that was why.
As for the snowflake 'I can't afford to take them out of term time' well that was my only foreign holiday growing up ; mostly we'd spend a week in a tent in a miserable part of Wales, and that also did me no 'arm.
Should the teacher have held up the rest of the class just to teach me? Imagine teaching a class of 30 and trying to do that when every week someone or other is away.
I found A level maths quite hard (even though I got an A - always wonder if that was a mistake) and maybe that was why.
As for the snowflake 'I can't afford to take them out of term time' well that was my only foreign holiday growing up ; mostly we'd spend a week in a tent in a miserable part of Wales, and that also did me no 'arm.