"Up to 20,000 finance workers could be lured from Britain to Paris 'within weeks'"
"Europlace, which lobbies to promote Paris as a financial centre, is set to argue that it is the best-placed European city to absorb London’s workers, and better suited to the job than Frankfurt, which employs fewer than 100,000 people in finance, and Dublin, which employs just 30,000."
Up to 20,000 finance workers could be lured from Britain to Paris 'within weeks'
"Brexit - the biggest, dumbest self-destruction of value after World War 2"™
"Europlace, which lobbies to promote Paris as a financial centre, is set to argue that it is the best-placed European city to absorb London’s workers, and better suited to the job than Frankfurt, which employs fewer than 100,000 people in finance, and Dublin, which employs just 30,000."
Up to 20,000 finance workers could be lured from Britain to Paris 'within weeks'
"Brexit - the biggest, dumbest self-destruction of value after World War 2"™