"MOORE'S LAW, the observation that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles around every two years, is due to be revoked by 2021 as copper on silicon technology reaches its practical limits.
Moore's Law has been pretty accurate since it was coined by Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in a 1965 research paper, confounding sceptics who expected progress to slow as integrated circuits shrank with each successive generation.
But the latest roadmap (PDF) from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) indicates a change in as early as 2021. The SIA said that even if it is physically possible for chip makers to cram in a few more transistors, it will probably not be financially practical because of the huge costs of manufacture.
The roadmap runs until 2030, and is described by SIA president and CEO John Neuffer as the "final instalment"."
Moore's Law to be revoked in five years' time | TheINQUIRER
Moore's Law has been pretty accurate since it was coined by Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in a 1965 research paper, confounding sceptics who expected progress to slow as integrated circuits shrank with each successive generation.
But the latest roadmap (PDF) from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) indicates a change in as early as 2021. The SIA said that even if it is physically possible for chip makers to cram in a few more transistors, it will probably not be financially practical because of the huge costs of manufacture.
The roadmap runs until 2030, and is described by SIA president and CEO John Neuffer as the "final instalment"."
Moore's Law to be revoked in five years' time | TheINQUIRER