In Wales...
"Welsh Tories vow to cut income tax and set up cancer drug fund
Party leader in Wales accuses Labour of 17 years of mismanagement as he launches assembly elections manifesto
The Conservatives have vowed to reduce income tax and introduce a fund for cancer drugs if the party wins power at the Welsh assembly elections next month.
Other eye-catching promises in the Tory manifesto includes training schoolchildren to become first aiders, consulting on increasing the speed limit on two key roads to 80mph and reducing student debt by exploring the viability of introducing “compressed” two-year degree courses."
Source: Welsh Tories vow to cut income tax and set up cancer drug fund | Politics | The Guardian
"Welsh Tories vow to cut income tax and set up cancer drug fund
Party leader in Wales accuses Labour of 17 years of mismanagement as he launches assembly elections manifesto
The Conservatives have vowed to reduce income tax and introduce a fund for cancer drugs if the party wins power at the Welsh assembly elections next month.
Other eye-catching promises in the Tory manifesto includes training schoolchildren to become first aiders, consulting on increasing the speed limit on two key roads to 80mph and reducing student debt by exploring the viability of introducing “compressed” two-year degree courses."
Source: Welsh Tories vow to cut income tax and set up cancer drug fund | Politics | The Guardian