I have opened my Limited company last year 2015 july, before that I am on permanent employee for UK based company which have paid 2000 appx tax during this employment with earning of 15,000 appx.
After opening my limited company I pay myself as 833.00 per month(Aug to March) operating a PAYE with a total of 6000 appx.
My question is how does the PAYE calculated at year end is it 15000(prev emp earnings)+6000(own lim company PAYE)=21000 total earnings
OR 6000
If I take a dividents of 20,000 will I fall under higher rate tax payer(20K div+21k salary=41k)? OR (6k sal+20K div=26k)
Does 15k salary from my permanent position considered in director self assessment or above total paye figures?
what is the efficient way in taking dividends based on circumstances pls advise.
I have opened my Limited company last year 2015 july, before that I am on permanent employee for UK based company which have paid 2000 appx tax during this employment with earning of 15,000 appx.
After opening my limited company I pay myself as 833.00 per month(Aug to March) operating a PAYE with a total of 6000 appx.
My question is how does the PAYE calculated at year end is it 15000(prev emp earnings)+6000(own lim company PAYE)=21000 total earnings
OR 6000
If I take a dividents of 20,000 will I fall under higher rate tax payer(20K div+21k salary=41k)? OR (6k sal+20K div=26k)
Does 15k salary from my permanent position considered in director self assessment or above total paye figures?
what is the efficient way in taking dividends based on circumstances pls advise.