Well, one of the few advantages of a permie job is that you can easily crosstrain to something else but as a contractor how have you managed? What's the preferred solution?
a) blatantly lie on your CV and when you are kicked out after 3 months you gained some experience
b) take a course/exam after the contract and hope to get a new contract with some skills on paper (does it work? agents expect you to have proper working experience in a specific technology so I doubt theoretical knowledge would be of any help)
c) get some exposure to a technology in the last contract and claim it as a major expertise on your CV
d) other (please specify)
a) blatantly lie on your CV and when you are kicked out after 3 months you gained some experience
b) take a course/exam after the contract and hope to get a new contract with some skills on paper (does it work? agents expect you to have proper working experience in a specific technology so I doubt theoretical knowledge would be of any help)
c) get some exposure to a technology in the last contract and claim it as a major expertise on your CV
d) other (please specify)