Left-wingers can't control themselves as well as conservatives, claims study | Daily Mail Online
does that mean lefties are more likely to be god botherers as well?
No wonder student protests always turn into brawls! Left-wingers can't control themselves as well as conservatives, claims study
Scientists tested the abilities conservative students and 'liberals'
They classed conservatives as those who endorse traditional values
While liberals 'endorse egalitarian ideals and progressive change'
Conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference was linked to how closely they believed in free will
Scientists tested the abilities conservative students and 'liberals'
They classed conservatives as those who endorse traditional values
While liberals 'endorse egalitarian ideals and progressive change'
Conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference was linked to how closely they believed in free will
The reason for the difference, the authors found is those on the right are more likely to believe that they have free will and that individuals have the power to change things.
US scientists tested the abilities of undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative (David Cameron pictured) and 'liberals'. They found conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference between the groups was linked to how closely they believed in free will
US scientists tested the abilities of undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative (David Cameron pictured) and 'liberals'. They found conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference between the groups was linked to how closely they believed in free will
The leftists by contrast believe that everything is controlled by forces outside of their control - such as by their genes or society, the researchers claim.
In three studies, US scientists tested the abilities of two groups: undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative and 'liberals'.
US scientists tested the abilities of undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative (David Cameron pictured) and 'liberals'. They found conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference between the groups was linked to how closely they believed in free will
US scientists tested the abilities of undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative (David Cameron pictured) and 'liberals'. They found conservatives were better at 'regulating attention' and persisting with tasks and the difference between the groups was linked to how closely they believed in free will
The leftists by contrast believe that everything is controlled by forces outside of their control - such as by their genes or society, the researchers claim.
In three studies, US scientists tested the abilities of two groups: undergraduates who considered themselves politically conservative and 'liberals'.