What is it with people and their smartphone cameras?
I was at the Chester zoo yesterday on a day out and to adopt some animals. ( I know, I am soft at heart ) At every fecking enclosure, all I saw was people holding their smartphones and looking at the animals through their lens instead of enjoying the plain view. Some twats brought in their posh DSLR cameras and were trying to show off their chimp arses.
The knobs were so obsessed with taking photographs that they were even taking selfies with a roaring lion instead of enjoying the roar of that majestic beast.
I almost pinned a man to the ground or threw him into the lion enclosure when he was pushing me to get this fecking DSLR between me and my balls to shoot the newly born tiger triplets. At one point there were so many cameras in my line of sight that I walked through everyone to go stand at the front to enjoy the view. (Why would anyone mess with a 6'3 + 20 stone fattie who knows katate, kung fu and 17 other dangerous words ?! )
Is this where the civilisation is headed to?!
What does the expert panel think of such behaviour?
How do we correct this?
What is it with people and their smartphone cameras?
I was at the Chester zoo yesterday on a day out and to adopt some animals. ( I know, I am soft at heart ) At every fecking enclosure, all I saw was people holding their smartphones and looking at the animals through their lens instead of enjoying the plain view. Some twats brought in their posh DSLR cameras and were trying to show off their chimp arses.
The knobs were so obsessed with taking photographs that they were even taking selfies with a roaring lion instead of enjoying the roar of that majestic beast.
I almost pinned a man to the ground or threw him into the lion enclosure when he was pushing me to get this fecking DSLR between me and my balls to shoot the newly born tiger triplets. At one point there were so many cameras in my line of sight that I walked through everyone to go stand at the front to enjoy the view. (Why would anyone mess with a 6'3 + 20 stone fattie who knows katate, kung fu and 17 other dangerous words ?! )
Is this where the civilisation is headed to?!
What does the expert panel think of such behaviour?
How do we correct this?