Found a house, had a survey done and because garden which is approx 200-250ft long backs on to railway line survey came back as saying "though no knotweed seen its conceivable it could go grow", knotweed likes verges around rail tracks, I never knew about knotweed till now.
Due to this comment mortgage is being referred no decision made, even if they decide to lend and even if the chances of it getting near the property due to length of garden is remote, its really putting me off proceeding now, most lenders wont lend if its present. Apart from this house is spot on nothing else about in area like it and nothing much on market, the knotweed does not bother me really but if I cant sell it in the future than its an issue. If you in the same boat would you walk or proceed ?
Due to this comment mortgage is being referred no decision made, even if they decide to lend and even if the chances of it getting near the property due to length of garden is remote, its really putting me off proceeding now, most lenders wont lend if its present. Apart from this house is spot on nothing else about in area like it and nothing much on market, the knotweed does not bother me really but if I cant sell it in the future than its an issue. If you in the same boat would you walk or proceed ?