Not the actions of a civilised society. And to think our PM at the time was in bed with Bush.
"Accordingto[DUNBAR],therewereapproximatelyfiveCIAofficersfromtherendi tions team. Each one had a role during the takedown and it was thoroughly planned and rehearsed. They opened the door ofRahman'scellandrushedinscreamingandyellingforhim to'getdown.' Theydraggedhimoutside,cutoffhis clothes and secured him with Mylar tape. They covered his head with a hood and ran him up and down a long corridoradjacenttohiscell.Theyslappedhimandpunched himseveraltimes. [DUNBAR]statedthatalthoughit was obvious they were not trying to hit him as hard as they could, a couple of times the punches were forceful. As they ran him along the corridor, a couple of times he fell and they dragged him through the dirt (the floor outside of the cells is dirt). Rahman did acquire a numberof abrasions on his face, legs, and hands, but nothing that required medical attention. (This may account for the abrasions found on Rahman's body after his death.
On November!, 2002, [CIA OFFICER 1] ordered that Gul Rahman be shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on
the bare concrete floor. Rahman was wearing only a sweatshirt, as [CIA OFFICER 1] had ordered that Rahman's clothing be removed when he had been judged to be uncooperative during an earlier interrogation. The next day, the guards found Gul Rahman's dead body. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed that Rahman likely died from hypothermia—in part
the bare concrete floor. Rahman was wearing only a sweatshirt, as [CIA OFFICER 1] had ordered that Rahman's clothing be removed when he had been judged to be uncooperative during an earlier interrogation. The next day, the guards found Gul Rahman's dead body. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed that Rahman likely died from hypothermia—in part