Iranian youths sentenced to six months in prison and 91 lashes for dancing to Pharrell's 'Happy' in viral video | Daily Mail Online
Imagine if he had been dancing to Rhiana
Iranian youths sentenced to six months in prison and 91 LASHES for dancing to Pharrell's hit song 'Happy' in viral video
A group of young Iranians were sentenced on Wednesday to six months in prison and 91 lashes for appearing in a video dancing to Pharrell's 'Happy'
The director of the video received a longer, one-year sentence and the same amount of lashes
However, the sentences have been 'suspended', which means that if they stay out of 'trouble' in the next three years, they won't receive punishment
The group was arrested last May after the video went viral
Conservative Iranian authorities objected to the video since the three women were dancing next to men, without head coverings
A group of young Iranians were sentenced on Wednesday to six months in prison and 91 lashes for appearing in a video dancing to Pharrell's 'Happy'
The director of the video received a longer, one-year sentence and the same amount of lashes
However, the sentences have been 'suspended', which means that if they stay out of 'trouble' in the next three years, they won't receive punishment
The group was arrested last May after the video went viral
Conservative Iranian authorities objected to the video since the three women were dancing next to men, without head coverings