"When it rains, it pours." I went from no calls in the last two weeks to non-stop interviews. Finally I have been offered a short-term contract!
The client will only pay limited rates to a preferred list of limited/umbrella companies. My existing provider is not on the list. They will also pay PAYE.
What is my best strategy here?
I am looking at companies as the likes of Parasol. I want to get the "tax" benefits of using an umbrella however don't want to get stuck if I only use a particular supplier for 3 months, then go back to my old one?
They quoted a hourly rate in the interview but have come back with an offer for a daily rate. I feel a daily rate would be more financially beneficial. Any advice?
The client will only pay limited rates to a preferred list of limited/umbrella companies. My existing provider is not on the list. They will also pay PAYE.
What is my best strategy here?
I am looking at companies as the likes of Parasol. I want to get the "tax" benefits of using an umbrella however don't want to get stuck if I only use a particular supplier for 3 months, then go back to my old one?
They quoted a hourly rate in the interview but have come back with an offer for a daily rate. I feel a daily rate would be more financially beneficial. Any advice?