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Looking for UAT testers in Salisbury area

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    Looking for UAT testers in Salisbury area

    I have been asked by an agency to see if I can find any more UAT testers in the Salisbury area. Just to clarify I am not an agency.

    CompleteContractor works as an agent for the contractor without taking any cut from the agents on your rate. We do, from time to time, get a finders fee which we will split with the contractor. That's if they are hired and do the duration of the contract. CompleteContractor make their money from subscription rates from contractors.

    You can submit your cv's to my email address and I will need the following:

    Current Rate:
    Current Contract end date:
    Your location:
    Brief summary of your skills and UAT experience:
    Any holidays booked for the next 6 months:

    This current job advert puts you under no obligation to join CompleteContractor but you may wish to use your half of the finders fee as payment toward your annual membership. Check out the site to see whats included in our membership.

    Many Thanks

    Please use the PM facility if you want people to get in touch.
    Last edited by scotspine; 23 May 2007, 11:42.
    Promoting: Complete Contractor as they have helped me!

    Any contractors on here actually use these??


      Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Bad enough dealing with agents without dealing with agents agents....


        Originally posted by Ardesco
        Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Bad enough dealing with agents without dealing with agents agents....

        Ok good point! Been contracting for around 10 years and been in IT since 1980 and the things that really annoy me is when I have no time to speak to agencies regarding new roles. They always phone at the wrong time and they never phone back as they have moved on to the next cv in the pile.

        CompleteContractor was set up to deal with agencies and to give the contractor a better more professional service. The video interview alone can get you a new contract without having to spend time and money going to interviews.

        There will be a whole host of other services offered in the near future. But just the accountancy option alone will pay for the membership within the first month.

        The service would be tax deductable and current talks with agencies would mean jobs coming direct to us rather than being advertised on the job sites.

        But then everyone has their opinion and I thank you for that!
        Promoting: Complete Contractor as they have helped me!


          It sounds like a nice idea, however I really can see no reason why i would want to pay somebody to filter jobs from an agency for me. It is just another level of red tape that I don't need.

          Instead of having an agent that can junk my cv i now have an agents agent who can junk it as well and I don't belive for a minute that agencys will only offer jobs to you. They exist to make as much money as possible, if they can avoid giving you a finders fee and source a contractor by themselves they will. What would I really gain by giving you money?


            As a tester it always intrigues me as to why contractors are hired for UAT.

            If the system and integration testers can't sign off whether the product is fit for business purposes, how will a fresh set of testers who (probably) won't know if the business requirements have been met or not?

            Shurely all UAT should be done by the business rather than externally?


              User Acceptance Testing should be done by end users! Surely?


                I have been asked by an agency to advertise non-jobs with a view to harvesting CV's.

                I need experts in UHT, PCP, M&S, RBV, TGV, C&A, PNC.

                Since I dont know the current rate for anything please indicate what this work might be worth.

                Please include a list of your previous clients so I can hound them to eternity.

                thanks in advance

                PS I will pass your details on to whoever I like.
                jobjock www.dreamturbine.com


                  Originally posted by meridian
                  As a tester it always intrigues me as to why contractors are hired for UAT.

                  If the system and integration testers can't sign off whether the product is fit for business purposes, how will a fresh set of testers who (probably) won't know if the business requirements have been met or not?

                  Shurely all UAT should be done by the business rather than externally?
                  Because all the business luvvies need somebody to hold thier hand, show them how to input defects into Quality Centre and then either modify thier defects into something that devs will understand ("I clicked in program and it didn't work" doesn't really help the devs too much) or delete the defect that is not a defect but a case of the business user not understanding how the product works.


                    Originally posted by Ardesco
                    Because all the business luvvies need somebody to hold thier hand, show them how to input defects into Quality Centre and then either modify thier defects into something that devs will understand ("I clicked in program and it didn't work" doesn't really help the devs too much) or delete the defect that is not a defect but a case of the business user not understanding how the product works.
                    You guys really are pains in the backside! And I thought it was just hearsay. You must be developers because they have issues with testing, apart from the odd unit test, full stop and don't understand users at all or their requirements.

                    On the first issue, an agency will come to us because we can supply them with a QUALITY contractor that will get the job, well at least 95% chance, before the others. They also do not have to wade through countless wasters who don't even have the skills they are looking for! Yeah they have databases but do they actually give a S*** who they put forward? Do most of the agencies know what the termenology means on a job spec? Can they tell a fraudulent contractor by speaking to them on the phone or reading a totally made up cv? A personal interview, and on video, speaks louder than that! Also it would be a third party validation of the person and not bums on seats. CC does not make any money out of your contract so we take more care in supplying quality people at the proper rates.

                    I don't care about finders fees because that is not what Complete Contractor is about. There are much higher quality issues that CC address that most contractors would not know they even needed. Let alone an agency actually helping you in any way shape or form.

                    Besides the Microsoft Gold partners that I have, who out source work to contractors, are onboard so who needs agencies anyway? Furhter more direct contracts are better anyway then the contractor makes the profit not the agency. I would love to see the large portion of contractors get direct contracts. Ok there are a few of you so keep your hair on but for the most of us that is not possible.

                    Oh well lambered on long enough.
                    Promoting: Complete Contractor as they have helped me!

