Do you guys have a web-site for your 1-man ltd ?
I am about to create my web-site but I am torn between 2 approaches :
1. A simple web-site that is more like a web “business card” showing how great you are.
2. ( What I wanna do ) A web site that depicts the 1-man Ltd as a small consultancy, effectively hiding the fact the there is only 1 man behind it. The web-site will imply that the “consultancy” is able to undertake complex projects and that multiple consultants might be supplied. Again , the sole reason being the idea of creating an image of an established business that involve many people.
What bugs me with Approach 2 is that , simply, agents might decide that this consultancy is actually trying to compete with them, thus making Agents reluctant to put me forward for gigs.
I am about to create my web-site but I am torn between 2 approaches :
1. A simple web-site that is more like a web “business card” showing how great you are.
2. ( What I wanna do ) A web site that depicts the 1-man Ltd as a small consultancy, effectively hiding the fact the there is only 1 man behind it. The web-site will imply that the “consultancy” is able to undertake complex projects and that multiple consultants might be supplied. Again , the sole reason being the idea of creating an image of an established business that involve many people.
What bugs me with Approach 2 is that , simply, agents might decide that this consultancy is actually trying to compete with them, thus making Agents reluctant to put me forward for gigs.