Forget yellow vests, think mass civil disobedience and thoroughly British peaceful protesting
Is Britain on the brink of nasty civil conflict? One doesn’t need a particularly keen nose to detect in the air the clenched scent of a storm coming. Parliament is working in contempt of the people by trying to wreck plans for a no-deal Brexit, grisly videos of activists ganging up on MPs are ricocheting on social media, and yellow-vest protests are flaring from Somerset to Central London.
But the idea, entertained by an increasing number of Remainers – and threatened by irresponsible Leavers, too – that we knuckle-dragging Brexiteers will plunge the country into France-style riots is nonsense. No smashed...
If MPs stop Brexit, Middle England could stage its biggest revolt in modern history
Is Britain on the brink of nasty civil conflict? One doesn’t need a particularly keen nose to detect in the air the clenched scent of a storm coming. Parliament is working in contempt of the people by trying to wreck plans for a no-deal Brexit, grisly videos of activists ganging up on MPs are ricocheting on social media, and yellow-vest protests are flaring from Somerset to Central London.
But the idea, entertained by an increasing number of Remainers – and threatened by irresponsible Leavers, too – that we knuckle-dragging Brexiteers will plunge the country into France-style riots is nonsense. No smashed...
If MPs stop Brexit, Middle England could stage its biggest revolt in modern history