Originally posted by BlasterBates
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Not everyone who lives outside of towns votes Tory/UKIP.
Not everyone who lives outside of towns thinks chemicals are better than natural solutions to fertiliser, pesticide, etc.
Rural living is great if you're prepared to work with nature, not against it.
A lot of the country estates are still run the way you describe. There's one close to me where the townie tories come out to shoot pheasant, and after shooting them the carcasses are buried.
That's right - the townie tories refuse to take their killings away because they are too lilly-livered to know how to prepare and cook one. So, come to the countryside, kill a couple of birds, go home. It's not difficult to shoot a pheasant, there's little to no skill involved, but what these wastrels do is just kill for the fun of it, then run home.