Whilst this sort of arrangement may not have been questioned often in the past, there clearly is scope for it to be challenged in the future. The issue of tax avoidance is frequently mentioned in the media so if the government wants to score easy points with the public then this could be a potential area for them to have a go at...
If you do pay a salary to a family member, it doesn’t mean that HMRC will open an enquiry but if they did then it could be one area for them to question. Ultimately the decision on this is going to depend on your attitude to risk and how confident you would be in justifying the expense to HMRC should they challenge you.
If you do pay a salary to a family member, it doesn’t mean that HMRC will open an enquiry but if they did then it could be one area for them to question. Ultimately the decision on this is going to depend on your attitude to risk and how confident you would be in justifying the expense to HMRC should they challenge you.