Appeal To ECHR
If MP's Counsel advises an appeal to the ECHR, Counsel should pay regard to and plead the findings of the EU Study on The Rule of Law, adopted/ratified/accepted by the Venice Commission in April 2011. This is an extract on retrospection in the context of the duty of all Member States to uphold the pillars of the Rule of Law (the one in question here is Legal Certainty) and the Convention on Human Rights.
46. Legal certainty requires that legal rules are clear and precise, and aim at ensuring that situations and legal relationships remain foreseeable. Retroactivity also goes against the principle of legal certainty, at least in criminal law (Article 7 ECHR), since legal subjects have to know the consequences of their behaviour; but also in civil and administrative law to the extent it negatively affects rights and legal interests.
If MP's Counsel advises an appeal to the ECHR, Counsel should pay regard to and plead the findings of the EU Study on The Rule of Law, adopted/ratified/accepted by the Venice Commission in April 2011. This is an extract on retrospection in the context of the duty of all Member States to uphold the pillars of the Rule of Law (the one in question here is Legal Certainty) and the Convention on Human Rights.
46. Legal certainty requires that legal rules are clear and precise, and aim at ensuring that situations and legal relationships remain foreseeable. Retroactivity also goes against the principle of legal certainty, at least in criminal law (Article 7 ECHR), since legal subjects have to know the consequences of their behaviour; but also in civil and administrative law to the extent it negatively affects rights and legal interests.