here's an idea...
"Joseph Stack left a six-page suicide note in which he railed against the Internal Revenue Service, the US federal tax agency.
He wrote: "I am finally ready to end this insanity. Well, Mr Big Brother IRS man let's try something different. Take my pound of flesh and sleep well."
"There was a storm raging inside me. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We are brainwashed to believe there is freedom in this land."
"The software engineer detailed how he had spent $5,000 (£3,000) and 1,000 hours of his time writing to senators and congressman about taxes and how he lost his retirement savings for the second time in the 1990s."
"Joseph Stack left a six-page suicide note in which he railed against the Internal Revenue Service, the US federal tax agency.
He wrote: "I am finally ready to end this insanity. Well, Mr Big Brother IRS man let's try something different. Take my pound of flesh and sleep well."
"There was a storm raging inside me. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We are brainwashed to believe there is freedom in this land."
"The software engineer detailed how he had spent $5,000 (£3,000) and 1,000 hours of his time writing to senators and congressman about taxes and how he lost his retirement savings for the second time in the 1990s."